D-Service Italia is an authorized reseller and Amazon AWS partner.
(Amazon Web Services).
The servers are guaranteed by AgID certificates.
And they comply, in addition to the ISO: 9001 and ISO: 27001 certifications, also the ISO: 27017 and ISO: 27018 certifications.
AgID certification
ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 certification
ISO 9001: 2015 certification
ISO / IEC 27017 and ISO / IEC 27018 certification
AWS certification
D-Service Italia has obtained CSP qualification from AglD, the Agency for digital Italy, for IAAS PAAS and SAAS services and is included in the Agld Catalog for the Public Administration.
AglD with the decision 408 of 19 December 2018 has in fact provided that all cloud services offered to public administrations must be certified and, at the same time, has imposed on all entities, starting from 1 April 2019, to purchase services only from companies that have obtained the certification.
The company adopts the International Standard ISO / IEC 27001: 2013, drawn up by the ISO International Organization on IT security. The Standard groups a set of international standards that aim to protect information maintained and processed by an organization.
In addition, the 27001: 2013 standard (latest version available) is a security standard that includes logical, physical and organizational security.
The setting of the ISO / IEC 27001 standard is consistent with that of the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System – of which, moreover, the company has recognized the certification – based on the process approach and structured in safety policy , identification, risk analysis, risk assessment and treatment, risk review and reassessment according to the PDCA model (Plan-Do-Check-Act).
The increasingly widespread use of the cloud for storing information has increased the focus on the protection of such information, especially in the case of clouds that store personal data. Precisely in relation to this, the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27017: 2021 “Code of conduct for information security controls based on ISO / IEC 27002 for cloud services” and UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27018: 2020 “Code of Conduct for Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Public Clouds Acting as PII Managers” specifies the security controls to be implemented when managing cloud services. These two standards extend the controls of ISO / IEC 27001 and introduce specific additional controls. In particular, ISO / IEC 27017 represents the reference for general security controls for users and providers of cloud services, while ISO / IEC 27018 refers to controls for public cloud service providers acting as data controllers.
The increasingly widespread use of the cloud for storing information has increased the focus on the protection of such information, especially in the case of clouds that store personal data. Precisely in relation to this, the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27017: 2021 “Code of conduct for information security controls based on ISO / IEC 27002 for cloud services” and UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27018: 2020 “Code of Conduct for Protecting Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) in Public Clouds Acting as PII Managers” specifies the security controls to be implemented when managing cloud services. These two standards extend the controls of ISO / IEC 27001 and introduce specific additional controls. In particular, ISO / IEC 27017 represents the reference for general security controls for users and providers of cloud services, while ISO / IEC 27018 refers to controls for public cloud service providers acting as data controllers.
D-Service Italia is part of the AWS Partner Network (APN, AWS Partner Network), the global community of partners who use Amazon Web Services to create solutions and services for customers. AWS Partners are the perfect role to help businesses get the most out of everything AWS has to offer and accelerate their journey to the cloud.